Amadeus and Singapore Airlines reach deal to bring content via NDC to Amadeus-connected travel agents

Singapore Airlines makes content available via NDC through the Amadeus Travel Platform, reaching the world’s largest travel agency network

When Singapore Airlines first joined Amadeus NDC [X], the carrier focused on digital transformation, enhancing retailing capabilities, and creating a more personalized experience for its travelers. Today, Singapore Airlines deepens this commitment to modern retailing, supported by Amadeus technology, by making its NDC offers available to travel sellers through the Amadeus Travel Platform.

Travel agents worldwide connected to the Amadeus Travel Platform will soon be able to shop, book, and pay for all Singapore Airlines offers made available through NDC as part of the airline’s KrisConnect program. This includes ancillary services such as seat selection, excess baggage, special fares, and personalized merchandising offers for loyalty members and corporate travelers. This is just the start of more exciting opportunities that NDC will bring, with more content becoming available soon such as dynamic fares.

The content will be available in the Amadeus NDC-enabled solutions used by agents today, providing a familiar and efficient booking environment. The Amadeus Travel Platform includes critical servicing functionalities that agents need, such as the cancelation, void, refund and modification of NDC bookings. It’s a one-stop-shop that brings together all relevant travel content from any source (EDIFACT, NDC, and other APIs) into a single view, allowing agents to search, compare, buy, and service bookings all from one display. This will ensure travel sellers can continue to deliver fast, professional service levels to their travelers and at the same time help Singapore Airlines drive the adoption of NDC.

Bryan Koh, Divisional Vice President, E-Commerce and Distribution, Singapore Airlines says, “We  look forward to providing more attractive and customized offers on Amadeus’ extensive travel agency network via NDC. Singapore Airlines remain committed to improving our retail capabilities and extending them to travel agents through multiple channels and touchpoints such as self-booking tools, web services, travel agency front office solutions, and mobile.”

Cyril Tetaz, Executive Vice President, Airlines, Asia Pacific, Amadeus comments, “Singapore Airlines is truly transforming the way offers are created, sold and serviced across channels, so that the airline can continue to pioneer in the area of customer-centric retailing and merchandising. This partnership is further proof of our strategic commitment to NDC, as we are delivering sustainable, long-term value for our customers, which is more important than ever amid the current market circumstances. We are working hand-in-hand with Singapore Airlines to increase NDC adoption and enhance retailing capabilities through our best in-class technology and the world’s largest travel agency network.”

Travel sellers will be able to make bookings through Amadeus’ NDC-enabled solutions – Amadeus Selling Platform Connect and Amadeus Travel API – starting from January 2021 in several markets in APAC and beyond. The airline’s NDC-sourced content will continue to be progressively rolled out in other markets globally throughout H1 2021 in order to reach all Amadeus-connected agents. In addition, Amadeus’ flagship solution for corporations, Amadeus cytric Travel & Expense, will be able to process Singapore Airlines’ bookings via NDC during 2021.

Today’s announcement builds on Singapore Airlines and Amadeus’ existing partnership in NDC. Singapore Airlines has been using Amadeus Altéa NDC, a full Offer and Order Management solution, and Amadeus Anytime Merchandising, since 2018. The combination of these technologies together with the latest integration of content into the Amadeus Travel Platform ensures full retailing capabilities and servicing for Singapore Airlines, with a truly customer-centric approach and full control over its offers across all channels. “This exciting announcement is yet another leap forward for Amadeus in our NDC journey. Driving NDC forward and realizing its next generation retailing capabilities for our customers is a key part of our long-term global strategy.  We have processed NDC bookings through the Amadeus Travel Platform since 2018, and the capabilities and content are not only here today but also continually being enriched as more and more airlines and travel sellers gear up on NDC. We are working closely with the industry to increase adoption and drive volume by delivering the performance, scalability, market reach, and global support that airlines and travel sellers need,” adds Javier Laforgue, Executive Vice President, Airlines Distribution and Content Sourcing, Amadeus.

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