Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo Wins Trip Advisor Traveler’s Choice Awardsin Trying Times

The Dining Room, Long Feng & Royal Thai Listed Among Favourite Restaurants

Remaining true to Cinnamon’s promise of providing customised service and an inspired dining experience to visitors from around the island and world, Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo has been recognised for their excellence and memorable culinary offerings. Cinnamon Lakeside Colombo’s all-day dining restaurant The Dining Room, signature Chinese restaurant Long Feng and Royal Thai that recently introduced a brand-new menu were among Trip Advisor’s 2022 Traveler’s Choice Award recipients.

Based on many reviews and opinions from diners and visitors from around the world and thelocal market, this annual award recognises the very best tourism establishments in terms ofservice, quality, customer satisfaction and more, across a range of categories. TripAdvisor: theworld’s largest travel review website, collates all the reviews and ratings shared, and uses thatinformation to highlight the very best of hospitality and tourism brands across the globe.

Area Vice President of Cinnamon City Hotels Kamal Munasinghe commenting on theachievement stated, “We couldn’t be more grateful to our guests who took the time to review usand are humbled by this remarkable achievement. It truly is a testament to the productive workput in by our team members, as maintaining our exceptional levels of service amidst thesechallenging yet resilient times is no easy task.”
Also sharing his views on the award, Director – Food & Beverages at Cinnamon Lakeside Kamal Alahendra noted, “We would like to extend our humblest thanks to guests who continue top atronize our restaurants and leave positive reviews on Trip Advisor about their experience. Alot of attention into detail, service quality and the food we serve goes in at all levels and kudos toour entire team for keeping up with global standards that have gained us this recognition onceagain.”.

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