GN Holidays launched

The newest Online Travel Agency in Sri Lanka

This gives the Sri Lankan Travellers the opportunity to book their airline tickets from over 400 airlines and 1 million hotels from the comfort of their own home or office said Mr Gayan Perera Director of GN Holidays. This site is mobile responsive so they can use their cell phones to check and book the latest holiday deals he added. 

We pleased that offers very special Airline, Hotel & Holiday deals from leading airlines and hotels said Ms Nayana Nilanthi, Director/ General Manager of GN Holidays. 

This site is powered by Sabre Ecommerce Leisure. Sabre is one of the world’s leading travel technology providers.

 “We congratulate GN holidays for taking the initiative and introducing this latest technology to the Sri Lanka market“ said Mr Rajiv Bhatia – Executive Director APAC Market Expansion for Sabre who attended and ceremoniously launched

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