Hospitality Star Classification made an easier process by new consultancy firm

Hospitality Classification Consultancy (PVT) Ltd has been established by three experienced hospitality professionals, Messrs Chandana Wijeratna, Dulantha Cooray and Pubudu Dassanayake to assist the tourism sector to meet the registration and classification standards of the government, as the travel industry puts priority on registered and classified properties with Sri Lanka Tourism the National Tourism Organization (NTO) to facilitate visitors since the present pandemic. The company has been established at a time when hoteliers, investors and owners, due to lack of awareness about classification process, find the process of obtaining ‘Star classification’ and confirming to mandatory requirements a daunting task and time consuming.

The trio behind Hospitality Classification Consultancy (PVT) Ltd., graduates of SLITHM/Ceylon Hotel School and have a combined experience of over 60 years in the tourism and consultancy industries. The two Senior Consultants, Mr. Wijeratna, former Director of Standards and Quality Assurance of Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority and Mr. Cooray both served consecutively as Secretary to the Hotel’s Classification Committee of Sri Lanka Tourism and have a whole team of expert consultants in relevant fields to call upon when required by the industry. Mr. Dassanayake, as Director – Operations and Marketing, focuses on liaison between the industry stakeholders and the consultants.

The consultancy will support and contribute to Sri Lanka’s Tourism great vision to upgrade quality and service standards of tourism service providers to fulfil expected requirement levels of travellers by advising on all ‘star classifications’ from 5 to 1 star hotels, boutique hotels, guesthouses, restaurants, other relevant activities, mandatory requirements to obtain recommendations and licenses from relevant authorities and the whole process from blue print level to opening to the guests. For details: 0773414747

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